Friday, November 30, 2018

Berita Pemilu 2019 Hari Ini - Kabar Terbaru Terkini

Kapolri Jenderal Pol Tito Karnavian tersenyum saat tiba menghadiri Sidang Tahunan MPR, DPR dan DPD di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis, (16/8). Tema sidang tahunan kali ini Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. ( Tallo)Politik30 Nov 2018 18:06

Kapolri: Selama TNI-Polri Kompak, Pemilu 2019 Aman

Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian menilai sinergitas TNI-Polri semakin solid. Dia pun yakin pengamanan perayaan Natal, Tahun Baru, dan Pemilu 2019 akan berjalan aman dan lancar.

News30 Nov 2018 13:00

FOTO: 50 Ribu Pasukan Gabungan Ikuti Apel Kesiapan Natal dan Tahun Baru

Pasukan Gabungan TNI-Polri mengikuti Apel Kesiapan Natal, Tahun Baru 2019 serta menjelang Pemilu legislasi dan Presiden 2019 di Monas, Jakarta, Jumat (30/11). Apel diikuti 50.000 personel dari AD, AL, AU dan Polri. ( Tallo)Kapolri Jenderal Pol Tito Karnavian tersenyum saat tiba menghadiri Sidang Tahunan MPR, DPR dan DPD di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis, (16/8). Tema sidang tahunan kali ini Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. ( Tallo)Peristiwa30 Nov 2018 12:39

Amankan Pemilu 2019, Kapolri Minta Dukungan Masyarakat

Tito mengatakan, dalam pengamanan Pemilu 2019 ini bukan hanya Polri dan TNI yang bekerja, tapi seluruh pemangku kepentingan dan masyarakat mendukung pengamanan kegiatan tersebut.

News30 Nov 2018 12:25

FOTO: Panglima TNI dan Kapolri Pimpin Apel Pengamanan Natal, Tahun Baru, dan Pemilu 2019

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto dan Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian usai memimpin Apel Kesiapan Natal, Tahun Baru 2019 serta menjelang Pemilu legislasi dan Presiden 2019 di lapangan silang Monas, Jakarta, Jumat (30/11). ( Tallo)Silaturahmi dan Sambung Rasa dengan keluarga besar Partai Golkar Jakarta Barat di Kantor DPD Partai Golkar Jakarta Barat, Rabu (28/11/2018). ( Muhammad Genantan Saputra)Pileg29 Nov 2018 05:54

Golkar Jakarta Andalkan Tokoh Partai sebagai Ujung Tombak di Pemilu 2019

Plt Ketua DPD Partai Golkar DKI Jakarta, Rizal Mallarangeng, menyerukan seluruh kader Golkar DKI Jakarta yang maju sebagai caleg untuk optimistis menang di Pemilu 2019.

Ketum Partai Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo memberikan keterangan kepada awak media usai mendaftarkan bakal caleg ke KPU, Jakarta, Selasa (17/7). Perindo mendaftarkan sekitar 575 bakal calon legislatif untuk 80 dapil ke KPU. ( S. Nugroho)Pileg26 Nov 2018 13:52

Perindo Targetkan Raup Suara 20% di Pemilu 2019

Hal itu disampaikan Ketua Umum Partai Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo, saat memberikan Pembekalan kepada Caleg se-Bali.

Ketua DPR RI Bambang Soesatyo memberi sambutan saat peluncuran buku "14 Tahun Perjalanan KPK" di Gedung KPK, Jakarta (23/5). Buku tersebut merangkum foto perjalanan pemberatasan korupsi di Indonesia. ( Zakharia)Pileg26 Nov 2018 06:36

Hemat Biaya, Ketua DPR Usulkan Pemilu Pakai Sistem Digital

Ketua DPR RI Bambang Soesatyo memaparkan sejumlah hal agar biaya Pemilu bisa lebih hemat.

Seorang pria penyandang disabilitas menyobols dibilik suara saat menggunakan hak pilihya dalam Pilkada Putaran kedua di TPS 07 Kelurahan Cawang, Jakarta, Rabu (19/4). ( M. Surya)Pileg24 Nov 2018 18:40

Penyandang Disabilitas Mental Perlu Surat Dokter Saat Nyoblos Dinilai Diskriminasi

Yeni menjelaskan, penyandang disabilitas mental bersifat periodik. Artinya, jika sedang terjadi gangguan secara otomatis yang bersangkutan dipastikan tidak akan memberi hak suara ke TPS.

Satuan polisi berkuda mengikuti apel gabungan Penyelenggara Pemilu 2019 di Lapangan Monas, Jakarta, Selasa (18/9). Apel Mantap Brata 2018 ini dihadiri Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian dan Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto. ( Buhori)Pileg24 Nov 2018 17:01

Kapolda Metro Jaya Perintahkan Jajaran Siaga Amankan Pemilu 2019

DKI Jakarta sebagai ibu kota negara merupakan barometer bagi wilayah lain, sehingga Polda Metro Jaya harus maksimal mengamankan dan mengawal pelaksanaan Pemilu 2019.

Badut berbentuk kotak suara Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), ondel-ondel, dan marching band ikut meramaikan pawai Deklarasi Kampanye Damai di Monas, Minggu (23/9). ( Nugroho)Pileg23 Nov 2018 08:30

Kemendagri Minta Pemda Bantu Tingkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat di Pemilu 2019

Sekjen Kemendagri mengatakan, peran dan partisipasi masyarakat merupakan bagian penting dari Pemilu 2019.

Menko Polhukam Wiranto (tengah) bersama Ketua KPU, Arief Budiman memberi keterangan usai melakukan pertemuan di Gedung KPU, Jakarta, Selasa (6/3). Pertemuan berlangsung sekitar satu jam dan tertutup. ( Fithriansyah)Peristiwa22 Nov 2018 17:31

Menkopolhukam Ungkap 5 Kerawanan Pemilu

Menurut Wiranto, politik identitas masih berpeluang muncul selama helatan pemilu.

Ilustrasi Internet (iStockphoto via Google Images)Pileg22 Nov 2018 11:56

Strategi BSSN Antisipasi Serangan Siber Jelang Pemilu 2019

BSSN berkaca pada sejumlah negara yang mengalami serangan siber.

Petugas menata kotak suara Pemilu 2019 di Gudang KPU Kabupaten Bogor, Pondok Rajeg, Bogor, Rabu (14/11). KPU setempat menerima 75.115 kotak suara yang terbuat dari karton kedap air untuk menghadapi Pileg dan Pilpres 2019. ( Basuki)Pileg22 Nov 2018 07:52

Bawaslu soal Pemilih Disabilitas: Mereka Harus Didata

Komisioner Bawaslu Affifuddin mengingatkan agar penyandang disabilitas harus didata agar bisa memilih pada Pemilu 2019.

Ketua DPR Bambang Soesatyo saat hadir dalam rillis survei yang diadakan lembaga survei Charta Politika Indonesia di Jakarta, Selasa (28/8). Survei diadakan di delapan kota besar di Indonesia. ( Nov 2018 14:04

Bamsoet Imbau Anggota DPR Bangun Suasana Teduh Jelang Pemilu 2019

Bamsoet menegaskan dalam berpolitik juga harus mengedepankan nilai-nilai perjuangan dan kebangsaan.

Ilustrasi Media Sosial (iStockphoto)Pileg21 Nov 2018 11:03

Pentingnya Peran Pers Jelang Pemilu 2019

Kemitraan Bawaslu dan insan pers mendapatkan posisi strategis sebagai media yang menyampaikan informasi semua kinerja jajaran pengawas.

Gubernur Gorontalo Rusli Habibie membatasi pengajuan kredit oleh ASN Pemprov Gorontalo setelah mendengar curhatan para istri. ( Ibrahim)Pileg21 Nov 2018 10:14

Bawaslu Ingatkan ASN Jaga Netralitas Jelang Pemilu 2019

Berkaca dari Pilkada 2018, sampai saat ini di Jawa Barat belum ada laporan terkait netralitas ASN, namun ASN diminta tetap menjaga netralitas jelang Pemilu 2019.

Ketua KPU Pusat, Arief Budiman (keempat kiri) memimpin rapat pleno Rekapitulasi Daftar Pemilih Tetap Hasil Perbaikan (DPTHP) 2 di Jakarta, Kamis (15/11). Rapat dihadiri perwakilan pihak terkaitPileg dan Pilpres 2019. ( Fithriansyah)Pileg20 Nov 2018 14:38

7 Juta Pemilih Akan Segera Disempurnakan dalam Pemilu 2019

KPU juga akan menyelesaikan data 23 kabupaten dan kota di enam provinsi karena mengalami penundaan penetapan DPT.

Komisioner KPU Hasyim Asy'ari (tengah) menunjukkan desain pasangan capres nomor urut 02 saat rapat di Gedung KPU, Jakarta, Senin (29/10). Rapat dihadiri perwakilan partai politik peserta Pemilu 2019. ( Yuniar)Pileg19 Nov 2018 10:57

Bawaslu Ajak Lembaga dan Ormas Bantu Awasi Pemilu

Jika sebelumnya lembaga maupun ormas yang akan melakukan pemantauan pelaksanaan Pemilu melalui KPU, namun saat ini telah diubah.

(Liputan6 TV)Pileg19 Nov 2018 09:51

Bawaslu Larang Pasang Stiker Kampanye Pemilu di Angkutan Umum

Saat ini pihaknya telah menemukan salah satu peserta Pemilu yang menggunakan stiker one way di kendaraan pribadinya.

Badut berbentuk kotak suara Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), ondel-ondel, dan marching band ikut meramaikan pawai Deklarasi Kampanye Damai di Monas, Minggu (23/9). ( Nugroho)Pileg17 Nov 2018 18:03

KPU Berkomitmen Wujudkan Pemilu Berintegritas

KPU siap melaksanakan pemilu pada 17 April 2019, baik dari segi anggaran, logistik hingga personel.

Petugas menata kotak suara Pemilu 2019 di Gudang KPU Kabupaten Bogor, Pondok Rajeg, Bogor, Rabu (14/11). KPU setempat menerima 75.115 kotak suara yang terbuat dari karton kedap air untuk menghadapi Pileg dan Pilpres 2019. ( Basuki)Pileg17 Nov 2018 17:20

KPU Hemat Rp 548 Miliar Pengadaan Logistik

KPU mencatatkan nilai kontrak Rp 473 miliar untuk pengadaan logistik Pemilu 2019.


Joko Widodo: 'A strong message to drug smugglers' | Politics

He was called the "president of the people" when he was inaugurated four-and-a-half months ago. Former furniture seller Joko Widodo, also known as "Jokowi", is a metal music lover and former mayor and governor, who stood out for his hands-on leadership style.

After a tough election campaign and a narrow win, expectations were high that a new wind would soon blow in the world's fourth largest country and third largest democracy of 250 million people.

But a hostile opposition and rocky coalition provided Widodo with a weak power base. His party leader, Megawati Sukarnoputri, is often jokingly called the country's "real" president.

And Widodo shocked many after he nominated a man charged with corruption as his new police chief. Since August 2014, Widodo's approval ratings have dropped from 71.73 percent by about 30 percent.

Now we have 4.5 million people in rehab and at least 1.5 million people who cannot be cured. This is the picture of Indonesia's future, our next generation .... Drugs are entering villages, ruining our young ones, are being sold at campuses; even universities have drug problems. This is an emergency.

Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, the president of Indonesia

Widodo has also raised diplomatic tensions – in particular with Australia – with his firm stance on executing drug traffickers, most of them foreigners.

He tells Al Jazeera's Step Vassen: "I believe the Indonesian legal system is thorough in these cases and looks at the evidence. When I rejected clemency I took into consideration how many drugs they smuggled, how many pills they distributed .... The court has sentenced them and we cannot discriminate between countries."

Widodo remains steadfast in his decision to carry out the death sentences of 11 convicts - including two Australian nationals from the "Bali nine" drug smuggling ring - due to be executed on the prison island of Nusakambangan.

"We want to send a strong message to drug smugglers that Indonesia is firm and serious in tackling the drug problem, and one of the consequences is execution if the court sentences them to death, he says."

He also discusses his strategy on campaigning for the release of Indonesian citizens on death row and says he is open to the idea of abolishing the death penalty if that is what the country wants. Just this week, Indonesian diplomats at a Human Rights Council panel in Geneva said a ban on the death sentence could be reinstated.

"As a head of state of course I'm going to try to save my citizens from execution. That's my obligation as a president, as a head of state ... To protect my citizens who are facing the death penalty but on the other hand we have to respect other countries that apply capital punishment ... The constitution and the existing law still allow the death penalty. But if the Indonesian people want to change it in the future, then it's possible."

In this exclusive interview on Talk to Al Jazeera, the president of Indonesia explains his position on his country's scourge of drugs, religion, ISIL, the economy, and for the first time reveals his willingness to discuss the abolishment of the death penalty.


Indonesia’s leader, Jokowi, is splurging on infrastructure

LIKE many politicians, President Joko Widodo of Indonesia (known as Jokowi) enjoys being seen in a hard hat. On April 23rd he tweeted a photo of himself resplendent in a gleaming white one to his 10m followers while visiting the site of a future airport in Central Java. The previous week he posted several photos of his trip to another airport being built, this time in West Java, complete with a hat and an orange construction vest. (Pictured is Jokowi on yet another such outing, to a mass-transit railway project in Jakarta last year.) More surprisingly for a head of state, many responses to these tweets have been broadly positive. The overwhelming impression among Indonesians is that their president gets shovels into the ground, as well as inspecting their use before cameras.

After years of relative neglect, the amount Indonesia spends on roads, railways, energy plants and the like has surged. Jokowi’s predecessors promised much but delivered little. But after he took office in 2014, Jokowi took advantage of a fall in the oil price to put a cap on an expensive fuel subsidy provided by the government. This gave him more fiscal leeway to splurge on infrastructure projects. In that year 178trn Indonesian rupiah ($15bn) were allocated to infrastructure in the state budget. By 2017 the amount earmarked was more than double that. Jokowi’s government has plans for 222 “national strategic projects” involving roads, railways, bridges, power stations and much else. Of these, 127 are under construction and over 20 have been completed. This year’s budget calls for 856km of new roads to be built across the archipelago.

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The spending, sorely needed, has boosted Jokowi’s popularity. According to a survey in 2017 by the ISEAS Institute in Singapore, nearly three-quarters of Indonesians approved of his efforts, with rural dwellers particularly keen on them. Sometimes he gets credit where it is not due. In Medan, the capital of North Sumatra, a new railway line between the city’s main station and the airport has turned a journey that can take several hours by car to one of only 55 minutes. The railway opened in 2013 under the previous president, but a banner in the station shows a white-shirted Jokowi going through the ticket gates. On the train, a video shows him shaking commuters’ hands. People waiting at the station express approval of Jokowi and say the railway is an example of what he has done.

It is easy to see why Jokowi’s projects are so popular. Many of the roads on and between Indonesia’s 13,000 islands are still terrible, having been all but ignored for decades under the highly centralised government of Suharto, Indonesia’s president for three decades until 1998. In parts of rural South Sulawesi, for example, endless potholes make for bone-rattling bus rides. The capital desperately needs work on its sewer system. In 2016 the city’s head of planning estimated that only 4% of Jakarta’s 10m residents had access to it. The rest flush into drains through which the waste flows untreated.

But even if Jokowi wins a second term as president in 2019, which looks likely, it may be hard for him to ensure that these ambitious projects get finished. Complex regulations do not help. Each sector—roads, energy and so on—has its own laws and regulatory bodies related to procurement and drawing up contracts, says Jeffrey Delmon, an infrastructure specialist at the World Bank. So each has a different way of doing things.

Indonesia also suffers from a shortage of skilled labour and poor safety on construction sites. On April 17th two people were killed by the collapse of a bridge in East Java and of an overpass being built in North Sulawesi. Earlier this year an internal footbridge in the Jakarta Stock Exchange caved in, injuring over 70 people. In Jakarta alone there were 10% more construction accidents last year than in 2016. Acquiring land is tricky, too. Plans for a China-backed high-speed railway between Jakarta and Bandung, a city in West Java, have been held up for two years, partly because it is costly and complicated to move so many people on one of the most densely populated islands in the world.

The government’s big hand

Jokowi’s eagerness to get projects off the ground has also introduced another problem: an over-reliance on state firms. Although China and India in particular appear eager to invest in the archipelago, many private investors only want to back projects in Java, the most populous island, rather than in rural parts. Despite Jokowi’s pledge to ensure that only a third of infrastructure is publicly funded, government money is still being used extensively. By one estimate, state enterprises are currently involved in 80% of the projects in some shape or form. According to data from the World Bank, private investment only made up 9% of total investment in infrastructure in 2011-15, down from 19% in 2006-10.

At the mayor’s office in Medan, Ridho Siregar, an employee there, praises Jokowi’s infrastructure binge. In the past few years new highways, bridges and dams have helped to transform the city, the fourth-biggest in the Indonesian archipelago. But the official admits there is an awful lot to do. “Especially for the highways, it’s a bit late,” he says.


The Lion Air crash: Jokowi’s redemption or another stumble?

2018 has been a tough year for Jokowi’s government. Recent disasters have provided the opposition with an opportunity to erode Widodo’s popularity.

By Angelo Schneider

The crash of Lion Air flight JT610 on Monday, 29th October 2018 marks another unfortunate incident to hit Indonesia. The country recently mourned after a disastrous earthquake in Lombok and the Tsunami in Palu. Now it is doing so once again.

The aircraft crashed into the ocean just 13 minutes after taking off from Jakarta airport. All 189 people on board died in the accident.

Joko Widodo’s political opponents voiced their criticisms against his handling of recent disasters. The opposition is urging president Jokowi to take action against Lion Air, with some calling for the total ban of the airline. As the presidential election creeps up, Joko Widodo’s next move could be crucial for keeping his popularity high heading into 2019.

The opposition see Jokowi’s leadership as weak

During the disaster in Sulawesi, the opposition criticized Jokowi for not allocating enough resources that could have minimized the earthquake and tsunami’s effects.

Jokowi’s response to the disaster was also considered to be a failure. The government was not able to adequately maintain critical components of the Tsunami alert system. The looting that followed the disaster also demonstrated weak law and order from Jokowi’s government.

Now, the Lion Air incident has pushed Jokowi’s disaster response under the spotlight once more. With Jokowi ahead in the polls, the incident is an opportunity for the opposition to showcase Jokowi’s weak leadership once more.

So far, Jokowi’s response has solely focused on the rescue mission. The facts and information about the crash are still being collected and analyzed. Therefore, no sanctions against Lion Air have been decided.

Initial investigations have suggested that the jet’s sensor was replaced the day before it crashed, and that may have triggered other problems. Such fatal negligence will create hostility from the public if Jokowi and his government don’t act accordingly.

There is a conflict of interest

It is common in Indonesia for businesspeople to also be involved in politics. Lion Air owner and founder, Mr. Rusdi Kirana is also a politician from the PKB party, part of Jokowi’s coalition. Jokowi also appointed Mr. Kirana as Indonesia’s ambassador to Malaysia in 2017.

This strong connection between the two could prevent Jokowi from taking a firm stance against the company. Mr. Rusdi Kirana has also reminded the government that closing his business could affect over 30,000 jobs.

Lion Air’s safety record raises questions about its future

Lion Air is one of the cheapest airfares in the region. It also has one of the highest accident rates in the nation.

The government has enforced an airline ban before. In 2008, Indonesia’s Adam Air had to close its operation due to re-occurring accidents and poor management practices. During its operation from 2002-2008, Adam Air had a total of five accidents, where one was fatal.

Lion Air has now had 10 major incidents since 2001, with JT610 crash being the deadliest. An additional incident in 2012 saw two of Lion Air’s pilots sacked after they were caught with crystal meth in their possession.

Senior members of the Gerindra opposition party believe that the JT610 flight crash is enough to justify a ban on the airline. Given Lion Air’s safety record is significantly worse than Adam Air’s was before the ban, the argument is compelling.

Gerindra is calling for the minister of transportation to revoke Lion Air’s flight permit and audit all Indonesian airline companies to ensure safety regulations are updated to prevent future accidents.

A politician from the Gerindra Party, Fary Djemy Francis emphasized that Lion Air’s poor safety record is a threat to the lives of Indonesians. Fary explained, “Lion Air’s permit can be revoked because the accidents and regular complaints have shown that it had violated the law”.

What comes next?

The exact cause for the crash is yet to be determined. Rescuers have found the black box, but it will take some time to collect all the data. If there is a violation in safety procedure from Lion Air, strong measures must be put in place if Jokowi wants to prove to the public that he is capable of effective crisis management.

A regulation preventing airline companies from selling fares too cheaply could be one such measure. This would give customers more choice and push airliners to compete on the quality of its services and safety regulations.

A reform on safety regulation and stricter flight permits must be applied to regain the confidence and trust of the people. The government must prioritize the safety of the customers over political interest.

In a fragile democracy and disaster-prone nation such as Indonesia, the response to disasters can make or break a government. Jokowi needs to bounce back from his handling of the earthquake. Taking action against Lion Air could be a chance to redeem himself.


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